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Genelec 1038A 3 Way Studio Monitor Speakers

I have acquired 5 each Genelec 1038A 3 way monitors in excellent condition. I also managed to pick up a Genelec 1094A Subwoofer in the package. These were replaced in 2004 by the 1038B... not a huge amount of difference between the models. These retailed for close to $9K each...

I would consider a qty offer if anyone is game.

Article: How I Got into Home Recording

This is a recent article I wrote on my journey into home recording. I thought this would be an appropriate forum as it covers some very basic introductory and budget gear that would help beginners find their way into the same. Feedback is welcome as I plan on writing a series of these and am still working with tone/voice on this. Many Thanks and enjoy.

Where to find mixes, stems of recordings by established artist?

I've been told that there are recordings by established artists available for people to use, ie the entire mixes, stems etc (I'm looking to record some drum covers for my teaching website and I need music minus drums).

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Recording Acoustic Guitar and room acoustic

Somewhere in this is my quote of the day,

recording an acoustic guitar in a poorly treated room is like recording it in two bad rooms in one shot.
The acoustic guitar body is a room in itself, which is effected by the room it is being playing in.. Care to word it better, be my guest! Its a good one to remember.



I know this is "old hat" but has anyone ever used a Stealthplug before as I have. This is old tech and not even sure if it's still available but it got me started into the whole recording thing and came with some good bundled software like Tracktion, T-Racks, Sampletank and some loops for about $100 canadian at the time I bought it.


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