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Recommenations: Korg TRITON or Equivalent


I am looking for a workstation, and am considering purchasing one of the KORG Triton line. I am especially interested in good piano/strings sounds, although also looking for variety, much flexibility, good sound quality. Thoughts on the Triton (and particular models--e.g. LE, Studio), or equivalents at lesser price?


New Article On Bill Putnam in MIX MAGAZINE

I would like to draw attention to a great article on Bill Putnam in Mix this month. You can read it free on the net. If you haven't fully aquainted yourself with the gentleman, I highly suggest you do so now. To merely say he was a major force in shaping current recording technology is to ignore his huge contributions behind the board.

Project Du jour...

In attempting to become a sort of community,I firmly believe that knowing more about each of these basically anonymous posters,helps us all in understanding where each of us is coming from when we make particullarly pointed remarks, or seemingly over zealous opinions about the proper use and application of some piece of gear or technique.So, as yer MODERATOR,I'm going to open a thread dealing w

Pulsating Synth Sounds

How come that many synths produce a pulsating sound when you strike a chord and other don't. It's hard to describe but on many hardware and software synths if you strike a triad chord (or any other) you get a pulsating, wobbling sound. There are also many synths which don't have this. I know it has something to do with synced osc's or the lack thereof. Any idea's?

Can phantom power destroy inputs?

Have a problem on my Tascam US 224 where I suddenly lost all input signal on my XLR and line inputs.

This hapened right after I connected my RODE NT1 to the unit, via an external phantom power supply that was already switched on.
The volume ouput on the soundcard was set at zero, but one trim pot was set at maximum.

msconfig problem with new installation of win98se

Given the short warranty of today's hard drives, I decided to switch my Dell P500 to a pair of 120Gb drives, one as the working drive, the other ghosted, so that when one of them fails, I'll have a functioning driveimage.

After a few glitches I got 98se installed on the new drive, and *everything* -- 40Gb of stuff -- loaded on it.


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