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RNC across the mix bus.

Hey guys.I have the much hyped (for good reasons) RNC in my rack.So I strapped it across my main mix inserts to get more juice off the mixes. I am in super nice mode to get that triple compression thing. Is it me or there is no way to get usable boost off this box for my mixes, without hearing it pump.I tried every configuration I can think of.

DM2000 24db upgrade problem help!

I have a Yamaha DM2000 with the 24db mod upgrade on the 2-bus. I am mixing out of the board AES EBU into a Hedd-192. I am mixing 24bit 44.1k. The mixes don't have the same bigness as some of the mixes I hear done on Pro Tools HD. Is there a compatibilty issue with the 24db headroom upgrade on the yamahe dm2000 going digital into the hedd-192.

Gathering Data on a label

Hey guys, first time reader, first time poster. A few students and myself are entering into a small business competition here in Buffalo with a propsal for a record company. We're all huge music fans and are really excited about it. We're right now in the data collection process, just trying to learn everything we can. Does anyone have any ideas, leads, or advice?


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