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Incorporating samples into your sequencer

This is where the fun begins. I've always liked a good challenge. Getting the BPM's right, editing & locking samples into your project, then programming a def beat on your drum machine or sound module that'll give it that drive. Does anybody have any special techniques that they reley on or work with that they don't mind sharing with the rest of us that are "novices" ? :w:

Copy Protection and Win XP Pro

Question. does Win XP Pro have some sort of copy protection that's affected whenever digital audio is being transfered via S/PDIF coax, lightpipe, or AES/EBU? After going into some admin. options, I found a few things that I think might affect the multimedia options within XP. Hav'nt tried anything yet but wanted to get an opinion from someone a little more experienced with this kind of stuff.

XP vs 2000

My friend just got his record mastered here in Austin that the mastering engineer was ranting about how XP was not the way to go and that 2000 was the only choice for the mastering pros.

I think Howy Wienberg's name came up as a 2000 advocate.

Any comments. I have found XP to be more stable and have been audio support. ACPI is also a nice advantage, more IRQs!


Merging 2 signals into 1?

My soundcard will only allow 4 inputs at once. I need six. I'm wondering if I used a Y cable to get the extra modules into the Computer? Or could I get into problems? I thought of buying a small Behringer mixer to do it. But then I figured I could save a few bucks and just use a Y cable.

I assume plugging a Insert cable(TRS) into a mono input is OK?