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Analog + Digital: I found a solution!

I have a fairly advanced MOTU setup that I been working with since last year, and it's been frustrating to feel so close, yet so far, from mixes that sparkle. After much lurking, theorizing, and some experimentation (which was helpful in confirming what wasn't working), I sprang for a Midas venice console and WOW! What a difference!

Do it here or there? help quick!

ok guys I have a question for you? would you pay 125 dollars a hour to track in a studio thats acoustically perfect from drums and vocals? or should I upgrade studio with drum mics and converters and a good vocal mic and completely deaden my room (since its to small to be usuable) and add reverb electronically.. I would be able to work at my whim and be able to not rush...

Groove Tubes Model 66

I have been recording a female vocal. I tried my C-1 but did not it on her. I have been wanting a tube mic anyway so I thought I might bite the bullet and buy one. I thought about the tube mics from SP and also the Groove Tubes GT-66. Any thoughts? Also Guitar Center is selling A Groove Tubes Model 66 for $499. Is this the same or close to the same as the GT-66?

Not DAW- upgraded to IE6- now have NOTHING

I was running IE5 on my desktop and upgraded to IE6 SP1 to make some accounting software happy. Well, now I have NOTHING. Explorer loads, but only gives me the "web site unavailable" crappola. Outlook, which also upgraded, will not make contact witht he server. All the settings are the same in both, but neither will allow me to go online. I can GET online, but can't GO anywhere.

what exactly does ram do in a daw like nuendo 2.0

i wonder if anyone can tell me what ram does in nuendo 2.0? the cpu and hard drive meters are self explanitory.

but i'm wondering if i bumped up my ram from 512 of rd to 1 gig, what this would do for me as far as performance?

would i get better track counts? smoother automation/editing?