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Digi 002 or MOTU for starters rig?

I am fairly new to all of this and I am finding very hard to make a final descision about setting up my home studio. I was going to set up with a digi 002, and an octopre (for recording drums) running on a 2.4 Ghz P4. But I am worried that I will out grow this setup as soon as I start working on more commercial type projects.

A huge thanks to all who answered

I have been spending a fair amount of time at this forum an I have to say that all of you have been amazing...( lays back on the bed, lights a smoke and giggles like a teenaged girl )... No, seriously, I have learned more here in two weeks than I could have from any book, and saved lots of time any money by being able to make better descisions about my studio design and fitting it out.

Kurts Review Of The Sebatron VMP-4000e Additional Info


Great review on the VMP 4000e. with a US price of $1497.00 for a quad pre..

Also to all:
take note that Sebatron is offering a 2 channel version called the VMP 2000e and it's going for $850.00 USD . an equally unbelievable price for a 2 channel/stereo tube pre.

great job Kurt

LEDE design question

Would I be correct in saying that the ideal control room environment would be one in which the sound is effectively projected through the mix position and then absorbed so that only the origional signal is heard by the engineer? In this case would any treatment really be required at the front of the room other than angling walls and ceiling to avoid reflections into the mix position?

PT 5.x.x TDM Mix systems plugs. wanna read your comment

Hi friends. I have to be honest that I am asking the same question at the DUC also.

first of all, I would like to have your opinions about compressors. Which one(s) do you think have provided you better results with specific recording/mixing techniques and different instruments and voices.