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How HOT do you guys/gals record into PT?

I know there has been topics on the Pro Tools DUC on this, I just did a search. How hot do you folks record into PT? I just read an article in Home Recording where a guy states that he gets as hot a signal as possible, and would rather have a few clips happening than to turn the gain down. He wants to make sure he uses all his bits.

Question on replacing pickups on a Jazz Bass

I just purchased the Fender Custom 60s pickup set and I'm trying to replace my pickups. I can figure out the wiring fine except for the little plates that the pickups sit on also have a wire soldered to them. One plate has a long metal stem (about 3 inches) coming from the center of the plate.
My questions are:
What do you solder the wires to?

anyone using a Focusrite Penta?

I just got me one of these silver beauties and it sounds wonderful.
However, I'm having an issue with it's rear stereo inputs. When I plug my synth into them, there is very little gain going into the Penta.
Even with the Input Gain knob turned all the way up and the synth's volume at max, I can barely get to meters to blink past -20!


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