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Hi-res question

I'm pretty new to this hi-res digital audio thing so please bear with me:

A guy wants to send me a song to have me master it for him. He says that he will send it to me on a CD-R as a 32-bit float .wav file. I will be using Sonic Foundry Vegas 3.0 to master - it supports 24/96 as well as does my soundcard (DAL CardDeluxe).

HD vs. . 2"

Ok, I took some drum takes that I was pretty happy with and dumped them from an MCI JH24 to an HD2 system with 192 I/O's. I opened 2 sessions, one at 192K, one at 96K. I was able to listen and compare to the tape machine. The 196K session was amazing and virtually indistinguishable from the 2".

Dolby unwrap

Anyone know of a software plugin that can convert standard stereo or dolby stereo to surrounf 5.1? Like the TC electronics Unwrap or Z-systems K6 processor.
Been fiddeling around with manual remixing the stuff but I got a feeling that it shouldnt be to hard to make something like this, most of these processor basicaly devide the channels on their stereo spread and frequency.