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Soundcraft Spirit Auto(mation software)

I just got my new board! A Soundcraft Spirit Auto made in 1993 and am SO very happy about it, (anyone want to buy a good used Topaz 24/8?).

So, here's my question: the board was made in 1993 and the automation software seems to be obsolute and/or unavailable. The manual states that it can be run by Cubase, JL Cooper stuff, Soundcarft software (mac only) as well as "any sequencer".

Overhead Phase

I was listening to a current drum track and playing with phase switches while in mono. Listening to the low end it sounds the fullest with one over head switched out. The right from the drummers perspective. However, listening to the hi end I can hear a slight filtering type thing with this setup. From now on I will listen for this while tracking, but what adjustment should I make?

Guitar FX pedals... Survey

OK let em rip!

I felt it was time to buy a Tube Screamer pedal as it is supposed to be the cats pyjamas for rock gtr.. Anyhow the cool guy in the store said, FORGET THAT! Get a "Hot Cake" pedal (made in New Zealand) he said it is much better.. Link removed

I know some rock god producers have GIANT boxes full of pedals...

So far I ain't got ONE!



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