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MOTU PCIe-424 MOTU 1224 MOTU 896HD

First time poster, Thanks for any suggestions!

I have been using a MOTU 1224 with a PCI 324 card with Cubase for years in an old Intel P4. It's been working flawless for thousands of hours. Always rock solid! I also own an 896HD (Firewire) that I used near the end of this CPU's life. Also solid and dependable. Know issues whatsoever.

What's your opinion on Carvin mixers?

Hello all

Perhaps people in the US are more familiar with this brand.
What's your opinion on Carvin mixers? In particular the C 3240 Concert series.
It's a 32 ch, 4 group, direct outs, 6 aux, phantom power, pretty much everything I need, except phase switch.

Any thought on construction,sonic qualities?
Would you use it for recording?


Live event with Mackie Onyx 1640i, 10+ channels

There's a music event next week that I have to record, and I was hoping to get some advice. There will be about 10-12 channels (3 vocals, guitarist, percussion, and a few other instruments), and we are using a Mackie Onyx 1640i which has a Firewire interface. I have a Dell Precision 6600 PC laptop (8 GB, Quad Core i7, approx 150GB free space), and I'll be using Mixcraft 6 as my DAW.

Recording Hand Bells

I have a Roland Tri-Capture interface and Sonar X1 LE software. I have a Shure Beta 57a dynamic mic, an MXL 4000 large diaphragm condenser and an MXL 603s small diaphragm condenser. The 4000 is selectable between cardioid, omni and figure 8 pattern. Low budget, but it has gotten me started. The Tricapture has only one XLR input so stereo Micing is out (I think).

How to record a keyboard to Garageband using PreSonus Audiobox VLS22?

I need to record my keyboard sound into garage band. It is a Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-505. It has a micro usb port, a 1/4" output jack. I tried to get a mono 1/4"- split 1/4" audio cable. The cable was a "grounding cable". It didn't work. What do I need and how do I set it up in GB? I would like the sound to be the sound that I am hearing in my headphone. Is this possible?