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East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra

Has anyone, or does anyone use East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra Gold software? I am in need of more realistic sounds, with articulations, and this one seems to be what I am looking for within my budget? What do you think of it, why? Would you recommend something else instead, why? Any thoughts would be helpful.


90% buzzing 10% Audio-- laptop to headphone amp -- Need help--


The Setup:
I am using a laptop for my DAW/Sound output to my Headphone distribution amp. The laptop output is a headphone output not a line-out output. My Headphone amp has a 1/4 stereo direct input and the laptop has a 1/8 output. I use a 1/8 to 1/8 cable with a 1/8 to 1/4 stereo to stereo adapter.

CD-format to be abandoned by major labels by the end of 2012

You read it well. The major labels plan to abandon the CD-format by the end of 2012 (or even earlier) and replace it with download/stream only releases via iTunes and related music services. The only CD-formats that will be left over will be the limited edition ones, which will of course not be available for every artist.

Deciding what way to troubleshoot background hiss or grounding problem...

So, I have been working over the past couple of years intermittently trying to record both my guitar, and lately my voice, using my laptop and audio interfaces. I have always run into the same problem: background hiss and white noise.