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Very strange Vocalist...any advice? (with wave sampels...)


Hi there...Last year I recorded a full album for a Hard-core punk band...they had a guest vocalist which screamed in a very strange way (in the room you could only hear the very very high frequnsize) anyway- next week he is coming back to studio to recored his own Hardcore trash band...and I realy don't know how to handle his strange vocals...
here is a sample of last years CD...

Help with vocal/guitar recording technique


i'm fairly new to recording, but i've put together a very small home studio to record some of the groups i'm in. most of the research i've read online says when it comes to the quality of recording, use your ears. the biggest problem with that, as both a musician and being the one recording, is that your ears can lie to you

doubling vocal help


I've always been into that sound of vocals that have been doubled. My problem is when my vocals are summed to mono (which most "major label" productions with this technique sound like they are, and most new songs that are popular seem to have done) they sound thin and out of phase. Am i doing something wrong, do they actually need to be panned out more than it seems?

First time post: vocal recording trouble


Hi. This is my first time posting here. I'm sort of glad to have found this forum because it deals with the exact subject I've been having ongoing difficulties with for quite some time: recording vocals. It takes me a long time, because I can never get it to sound right, no matter how much I try. I always get a very mid-rangey sound, with a lack of presence.

Test Acoustic/Vocals recording - what's missing?


Just got a whole bunch of new equipment - and tonight I tried to do a quick acoustic test with some of it.

Check this audio file out and tell me what you think. It's just a demo of me singing/playing - ignore the performances (they're not too great) - I'm more interested in how I can improve the tone.