Vocal chain
Looking for different orders of signal chain for vocals.
This is my order: KSM44 to Sebatron 2000e to Manely ELOP to tape.
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What is that vocal effect called?
Its that effect where the voice seems to be manipulated to play a certain melody, its used a lot in techno music, especially psy-trance and goa, the most popular example I can think of is the song "Im Blue" (Da ba dee da ba dye... etc), the voice also gets a more robotic feel to it.
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How does one make vocals sound great on a recording?
I need to know what kinds of effects to put on regular vocals and what kind of tricks can be used to get the best vocal sound out of my recordings.
Vocals in a large room
I have 2 weeks access to my old schools band room and I cant decide whether or not to record the vocals in the center of the 4 level orchestra/band room or in one of the wooden instrument storage closets that have doors. I would like to use my MXL 960 Tube mic for some songs for the warmth in my voice and a 57 for the 'cold and narrow' sounding songs (thats the best way i can put it).
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Shot Vocals.
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I need to add warmth to my vocals. .would a preamp help?
I have my mic. goin througha mixer nad it sounds pretty damn good but I was wondering. woiuld a mic. preamp help it sound better? Or would a mic. preamp be pointless since I ahve a mixer?
Vocal Pitch Correction ?
hey everyone,
I have heard that there is equiptment out there that you can plug your mics into and will adjust the voice when off key and correct it...if so, do you know what they are called, prices, and where to find them? thanks
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Concrete + Foam for Vocal Room and control room?
Any Cheap way to do the Vocal Room and Control Room Treatement? 12x13 ft (vocal room), 12x17 ft (control room) Height about 10-12 ft.
I got some friends told me to use the Foam which is using in the Roadcase Box.it's 2 inch thick.Do you think it's posible to use for Room Treatement Purpose?
improve vocal recordings
What piece of gear made the biggest difference for you on your vocal recordings?
I have about $2500 I can throw down on something to improve my vocal recordings. . but I'm not sure what to get. :?
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Vocal Mixing
Hey guys, I'm trying to mix a song right now, I'll post it up here once it's all finished.
I haven't gotten the finalized recording of everything, but no matter what I do the vocals always seem to 'stand out' from the rest of the mix.
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