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Content based around the acoustic guitar

EQing acoustic guitar for power chords

I'm recording a guy who plays acoustic guitar and sings along. He's using an Ibanez PF5ecent acoustic electric that is plugged straight into my E-MU 1820m. Open chords sound fine and extremely round and perfect. When he plays power chords all I can hear is the god awful fret buzz. How should I tackle this problem, we can rerecord if need be.

Best SDC pair for acoustic guitar under $750- 1K

I want to pick up a couple of small diaphram condensers for home tracking into a 002 rack with the stock preamps. Most of the tracks will have vocals x 2-3, bass, synth and percussion as well.
The acoustic style will be fingerstyle/ fingerpicking (bare finger-no nail) on some high-endinstruments.
Please give me some direction among the choices in this price range.

internal acoustic guitar mic? What should i get?


I dont know if this is the irgh forum, but i figured i would ask.

I have an alvarez with the 600t electronics, which allows for the addition of an internal microphone. The input for the mic is a basic mini jack on the ybderside of the electronics. The unit does not provide phantom power, so it would have to be a Dynamic, or condensor with its own inline power...


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