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Content based around the acoustic guitar

Reference recordings for acoustic guitar and vocals


I've been recording a few singer/songwriter types recently. Mostly steel string acoustic guitar and vocals. What do you use for reference recordings for this type of music when trying to listen to monitors and get a fix on the sound of a room? I've found that I don't consider some of my favorites in this genre terribly well recorded.

ADVANCED! Acoustic guitar Micing techniques wanted


Hey guys, I'm about to start a session with an acoustic guitar musician (mostly strumming emo stuff). I'm looking to find some advanced Micing techniques. I have seen a few dvd's of instudio footage where the engineer has placed the following setup: pencil facing the sound hole, large diaphragm facing the neck, then two large diaphragms on each side of the guitar.

Changing to heavy gauge strings on acoustic guitars with no truss rod

Ok, so my parents went to Peru for a while and brought me back this beautiful acoustic guitar made by a small Peruvian shop called Effo Guitars. Upon first playing this acoustic, it sounded great and was very easy to play. However, it had ridiculously light gauged strings on it, which are not suitable for the style of music that I play.