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My motherboard fried and I need a replacement. I really like this board and hate to change. Unfortunatly this and just about all the other dual MP boards are discontinued. Anyone know where I can still find one of these NEW. I got my old one used on eBay and it only lasted about 8 months. I'd really like to find someone who has a new one in stock.

Pentium4 or AMD Athlon

I would like to know your opinions. I've been using Pentium computers for years and they have always worked better for me than AMD (always testing same Processor speed, Ram and so.
But I heard a lot of people telling that Athlon is supposed to be better for audio aplications.
What do you think about it?


New AMD mobo

Just wanted to see what everyone thought was the best AMD DAW board. I'm leaning toward the ASUS A7N8X, but wondered if anyone has tried the MSI K7N2 or K7N420 PRO boards? Are there others that I should look at instead?

The only requirements I have are that I keep my XP1900+ processor, and my Terratec 24/96 audio card.


AMD Athlon™ 64 processor prizes

Just got this e-mail from AMD. Worth looking into?

Would you like to become one of the first 64 to receive an AMD Athlon™ 64 processor and witness firsthand the unveiling of our newest technology? Unlock the mystery being unveiled at and you may get your chance.
Only 64 people will have the chance to purchase this package, which will include:

AMD dual processor nightmare

My new dual processor machine is unstable with Cubase SX and totally unusable with Wavelab 4.0 and Cool Edit Pro. When I try to play a wav file in wavelab 4.0 it turns into a distorted mess after about 3 seconds. Cubase SX will record and play but I get pops and clicks when I bring the Layla console up and down...or make adjustments to the output levels.