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Audio interfaces convert microphone and instrument signals into a format your computer and software recognize. The interface also routes audio from your computer out to your headphones and studio monitors.

It acts as the bridge between the music you create and your DAW (digital audio workstation). Audio interfaces often include built-in preamps, headphone jacks, and monitor controls, and they come in various types to accommodate Thunderbolt, USB, FireWire, Ethernet, and PCI connections. Plus, audio interfaces are available at several price points, from budget-friendly units to advanced professional models. If you plan on making music using a computer, you'll need an audio interface!

Quick audio interface beginner question

I'm looking for an interface that'll allow me to record- lets say a drum track-
and be able to see each individual mic as a track on my computer screen (i'm using Ntrack) and be able to raise and lower the volume and pans of multiple tracks with this interface
Would that have to be a midi interface?

I have a budget of under 400

Thanks for anything help

IO audio interfaces and mixing consoles.

I was thinking about making my next interface something like the M-audio project mix console but wanted to get some input from others.
Would I be able to mic a whole kit and record it into Sonar or Pro Tools with this?
Would I have problems mixing more than 8 tracks with this?
Recording vocals and guitars with this?


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