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Front end all in one? Pendulum Quartet 2 -Avalon 737sp etc

I am looking now to expand my front end chain. currently i have the M5 and 747sp into a TC M3000.

I was wondering about the Quartet 2 but the cost is pretty high although i understand why after having talked to someone about it.

that being said and i know this is subjective but has anyone used that and compared it to say a 737sp, or a stt-1, or just the Quartet?

Focusrite or Avalon or?

Anybody have or heard any good things about the Focusrite products? I am looking at the MH441 (or) the MKII. The write up on this unit says it uses Neve based preamp designs.
How do they compare to Avalon products?
FYI---I am looking for a vocal preamp and also would like to get one to use on my drum mic (kick mic)
All suggestions are welcome! :D


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