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Getting analog audio to computer to show digitally in logic.

we have 2 Yamaha 02r's linked,48 channels of analog (mainly used as a big keyboard sub mixer). we want to get that audio into the mac so we can see it digitally in logic.
also,we have an old pro tools system in this mac and don't want to get rid of it just yet. how do we get the analog data into the mac so it shows up in our daw cheaply? all good advice is welcomed.

New Computer - Pick it apart my first on location computer was a cool little micro ATX in an Antec Aria. It worked great (still does - I use it in my studio as the main machine). However, it's pretty far from quiet and it is a pain to haul around. Plus, adding extra cards - nah...there are 3 slots available and if I fill more than 2, the thing MAJORLY overheats...

Computer newb

Hey all my name is john I'm 19 years old and i am just currently getting started with recording. I have just recently purchased a used firepod and Cubase Le i was wondering if anyone had any quick thoughts on what kind of computer would be ideal to run this unit and program with.

If anyone has any basic input it would be much appreciated seeing as i am very new at this :)

Stand-alone DAW to Computer - Make any sense?

Greetings all,

Just joined because I thought I could get some good advice on a recording setup I'm contemplating. I have a stand-alone Yamaha AW2816 Digital Audio Workstation which is OK, but I don't care for the mixdown and CD Burn process. I was thinking about getting an audio interface for my G4 Mac Mini and using the Yamaha to record the tracks, then mixdown to the computer.

on the fly quality to computer for cheap

What I am looking for is a method to get decent quality input on voip chats such at ventrillo etc, and have some cheap reverb/chorus effects. The hardware I can make use of for this is a Shure 57, Xfi Xtreme music pci card. Everything else I would like to be able to purchase from a guitar center.


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