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Dynaudio is a Danish loudspeaker maker, founded in 1977. Dynaudio builds speakers using only their own drivers. Dynaudio has a subsidiary called Dynaudio Acoustics that focuses on professional studio monitor loudspeakers.

Would Dynaudio BM6As be underpowered? Monitor choice opinion

I've not heard nearly any bad opinions of the Dynaudio BM6a monitors but am
worried that they might be underpowered for my 20' X 13' room. I'm coming
from JBL 4208 powered by an Omniphonics 50 watt per side power amp and this
is capable of fairly blistering volumes given its output rating.
When tracking bands I normally have some of the band in the control room

Adam P11a vs Dynaudio BM6a


I've read most of the monitor posts on this board, just a quick comparison question.

I'm running an Pro Tools HD Accel 2 system, and most of my (analog) recording consists of running a bass and guitars direct into a pre (with the guitars then going into Amp Farm), and live vocals. I don't record live drums or amped guitars.


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