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New equipment for vocal recording, headphone jack has no audio.

Hello there, I just recent bought some new equipment hoping to start recording vocals at home!
I went to my local music store, the clerk there helped me out with selecting some equipment based on my budget and requirements.

I run a desptop with Windows Seven installed ( i also have a laptop with vista installed).

Equipment recommendation for small-medium sized classical recordings


I'm new to all of this.

I'm looking to record some classical concerts in high quality.

I'm about to buy a Sony PCM-D50 as this seems to be about the best quality-wise in my current price range, and I'll be recording at 24 bit 96kHz (and playing them back on my high-endaudiophile hifi).

How do i use the following equipment to its max use?

Over the years I have accumulated the following equipment. Over the years I have used it to create both instrument and instrumental with vocal tracks for my own performance use using a minimum amount of equipment and without paying an arm and a leg. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED TO DO OVER THE YEARS, I'VE TAUGHT MYSELF AND I AM NOT "INDUSTRY TRAINED".

Equipment for Studio? £5000 budget

Hi there guys! I'm looking to start to build a studio in a large space that I am renting. The budget I have to start with is £5000. I've worked in a few studios both independently and alongside professionally producers. Iv'e got experience in using studio equipment but not a lot of knowledge as too what is good equipment and what is the best gear to buy for a budget £5000?


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