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TDM Transmission error in Digitest

Anyone familiar with TDM Transmission error in Digitest, No TDM clock found? Its a d24/mix combo. Mix farm in slot 2, (slot 1 graphic card). D24 slot 3 and farm card in slot 4. Everything was working over a period of 2 years with this set up. Then it sat for 6 months with no use. Pulled it out earlier in the week, ran digitest and got error TDM clock not detected on all cards.

Logic 5.5 on PC, SATA Audio drive - Synch error, SR not rec.

Anyone other than me still running Logic 5.5 on a PC?

I recently bought a snazzy new Western Digital Raptor 150GB 10k rpm SATA drive, but when I try to use it as an audio drive in Logic, I get a "Error Trying To Synchronise Audio And MIDI, Sample Rate 43978 (or something else unusual, i.e. not 44.1k or 48k or multiple) Recognised"

Cubase / an error has occured during mixdown


I'm using Cubase 2.2 SX and man, I was so thrilled when I was finally able to record in my electric drums (Yamaha DTXpress 2), base and guitar.

I started with a short test recording in a base track and a couple of guitar tracks (with guitar rig inserts). That worked out fine and I was able to make a mixdown of it to mp3.


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