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Forum virgin newby requests guidance from those who know.

Hello there, I've been dabbling with my DAW for around a year now and am still pretty clueless (as you will gather from the question). I've got a P4 2.8ghz 512 ram 120 gig with a wave terminal 192m (sound card) and run Cubase sx along side reason 2.5. I updated the drivers for my card recently and have found that Cubase and reason stall or stutter being that they will freeze up momentarily.

Forum Rollcall... Who's here?

Now that we have been up for a couple weeks and new people are coming in seemingly every day, I'm quite curious to see who is here... I see this being a good thing for a couple of reasons- one, we get to know a bit about the backgrounds of those that are posting. two, from a purely business standpoint, it is good to know where people are located.

Someone, PLEASE change the name of this forum!

English patrol here. Someone please tell me who put the apostrophe in "Recording, Home Project Studio's." What's the function of that apostrophe? Could it mean that the Home Project Studio is possessing something? I don't think so. Could be the abbreviated from of "Home Project Studio Is"? Let's hope not.

Welcome to the Budget Gear Forum!


Welcome to the Budget Gear Forum!

After carefull thought and seeing that there is a strong demand that was not directly being addressed, we are starting a new forum here at R.O dedicated to the finance challaged folks that are on the hunt as well as wanting to discuss the topic of inexpensive recording gear.


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