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Setup to record guitar only

I am starting to build amps, and I would like to record how they sound. I am mainly building high gain amps, with metal in mind. I currently use a Peavey Valveking cab (ugh, getting a cab with V30s soon), a Shure SM58 into an XLR to 1/4 inch adapter (quality loss) into my laptop's mic in. Running Ubuntu Loonix, using Audacity. Using a Schecter Damien FR with EMG 81/60.

Acoustic Guitar pick up doesn't work on the interface

Recently I decided to record some acoustic tracks in n-track, and while my pick up seems to work on my amp it won't even pick up the sound on my interface and barely on my boss br-1200. The pick up is Dean markley. I think it might not meet some type of weird power requirement kinda of like a phantom powered mic, but then again I'm new to this.