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Dual hard drive for PC?

I am exploring the realm of PC recording and attempting to learn as much as I can before making a decision. Besides reading everything I can off the forums on this website, I read Home Recording for Dummies. The author states that when purchasing a PC it is important to have dual hard drives, one for the song your are recording and one for the program you are using.

Focusrite ISA 428 - ADC adapter and recording to hard drive

Hello all,

I just recently purchased a Focusrute ISA 428. I am trying to make up my mind as to whether I need to also get the MH-442 ADC adapter.

Without the ADC adapter, I would simply be running the four outputs of the ISA 428 to the inputs of my soundcard breakout box.

Configuring 3 Hard Drives & DVD for DAW


I've been recording for several years and am now attempting to build my first DAW. I've got a question regarding how to configure the hard drives.

The motherboard is the ASUS P4c800 E Deluxe

I'll be installing Gigstudio 3 along with Cubase SX3 and various other samples, so I'll need to be able to do DFD.
