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guys Korg d1600mk 2 or a computer based program to mix and record vocals

Guys please advise i just bought a Korg d1600 mk ii digital mixer and was wondering do i mix my tracks on the mixer without a pc or would you recommend i connect it to the pc and mix the tracks on a pc based software instead. if i have to connect it to the pc how do i link the pc based software to the mixer?

Korg D1600 MKII

I have a Korg D1600 MKII and when I went to save/backup the data onto my computers hard drive (via USB), the only thing that came over was a .EXE application. Did I miss something?
Thanks so much for the help,
mutz ...

PS - Are there any good aftermarket books for the Korg D1600 MKII?

Korg d1600 Crisis

Hello there,

Well, I purchased a Korg D1600. Nice unit. Recorded about 40 songs, some really irreplaceable.

Yesterday, the hard drive would not boot up. I kept getting "init hard drive" error messages. I finally clicked ok--after about 1 second only, the hard drive then worked--with no ability to access the prior songs.

How to make a Korg D1600 computer blinddate work?

I have a Korg D1600, but I'm finding that I don't have enough tracks to do everything I would like. Therefore I am thinking of purchasing software for my new computer to do HD recording on it. I would like to still use the 1600 interface (making it the master)... my question is what would be the best software/soundcard mix to make this happen?

CD writer for Korg d1600

:) Hie guys, i am quite new to the field of soung recording however with everyone's help i am destined to go far and wide. i bought a Korg d1600 digital recording studio. Presently i am tracking all my songs to the hard drive. Can anyone please help me with a list of suitable CD writers i can use for my studio (writers which are compatible to the Korg d1600.

Thank you guys