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Guitar rig latency problems!

So, today I started my home music production career :D and I bought myself an M-Audio Avid recording studio, very simple to plug and set-up got myself into playing 5 minutes after. The only problem that I have is that when I use guitar rig 5 there's an intermittent sound when it starts usually at 512 samples which makes me put it up to 2048 samples and increase the delay up to 100 ms.

Latency problems


I've got some annoying latency problems with my recording system that I can't figure out how to get rid of. I've read a lot and tried different solutions but can't get rid of the problem. It's a matter of old recording stuff that I have had the money to get so I could get things up and running. Aventually things will get upgraded but money don't grow on trees :(

Lavry Latency Killer

Check this out.


Lavry Engineering
The Latency Killer (LK-1) is a specialty product; it does not fit into any standard category. It is for overdubbing work – latency free real time monitoring of DAW.

The basic concept is based on muting the playback of the recorded channel (on the DAW), and replacing it with the music signal before the AD conversion.

Focusrite 2i2 interface latency on Reaper

I have had my 2i2 audio interface for about a month now and have been getting to grips with some recording (I am using reaper).
However I am unable to get rid of the latency. According the the Asio Configuration the input latency is 11.3 ms and the output is 16.3 ms.
When I try reducing the buffer length it results in popping and clicking.

Audio Latency/Studio Setup BIG PROBLEMS

I'm running an Audiobox 1818vsl 8 channel mixer through Cubase 5, I have a Head Amp Pro 6 channel headphone amp, a MXL 3000 microphone, and M-Audio Studio Pro 8 speakers. My speakers are connected by connecting an audio cable from the main speaker (right), to the other speaker(left). I have to use the Audiobox as the driver in Cubase in order for me to record through it.