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Lawyer: Ripping MP3s Illegal, Grounds for Lawsuit,2933,319276,00.html

The Recording Industry Association of America, the Big Four record companies' lobbying arm and primary legal weapon, considers the copying of songs from your own CDs to your own computer, for your own personal use, to be just as illegal as posting them online.

Definition of a remix?

hi all,
hope you can help me with an issue of mine...
i'm working on the musical project of mine (not alone) for more than 2 years, an instrumental electronic music project (not trance).
we finished writing the composition and recorded demo versions for all songs, found a good english mixer to work with and we're started to record the master.

Legal difference between Music and Lyrics?

When one person supplies the music (chords, beat, arrangement, instrumentation) and another person writes the lyrics and composes the vocal melody, who is considered the "writer" of the song?

Generally speaking, is the writer of the lyrics and vocal melody entitled to a greater share in performance royalties than the person who composed the music bed?


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