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number of compressor/limiter problems

ok ive had preamp and compressor problems in the past
thanks everyone for all the help on that.

ok well i have an Alesis 3630, and its givin me a number of problems
and I'm guessing this a common, easy problem since I'm new to compressors/limiters.

its cuttin off my vocals and giving me that "breathing/huffing" effect.
now thats when i put my output up.

Too loud? My experiments with Limiters = square waves...

Here is a simple track I've been using to get familiar with my Limiter. Do you all think it's too loud? My average RMS is between -11 and -10 dB. To my unexperienced ears, I haven't lost too much of the dynamics, but tell me if this is fatiguing to you.

Here is a screen-shot of one of my bass drum hits (I think it is, at least...)

Pro Tools 7 LE and UAD Multiband Limiter problem

Hi, I've just installed version 4.1 of the UAD1 plugs on my Digi002 PT 7 LE system and activated the demo of the Multiband Limiter; I've inserted the limiter on the master track of a project and I get this situation: the right channel remains unprocessed while the left channel is processed but delayed! I've already tried to change the playback buffer (latency) settings... any suggestions?