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Newbie - Mastering LIVE recording - echo, reverb, bass issue


Through a friend's suggestion, I have found my way to this forum to get a push in the right direction toward "cleaning-up / re-mastering" a LIVE U2 show that was recorded in the old Seattle Superdome. This venue is (was) a MASSIVE concrete structure, made for baseball and not a rock show. As a result, there is much "room noise" and "reverb / echo" present.

Mixing for loud masters!

I'm just curious. I read somewhere (don't remember where) that in order to achieve loud levels in mastering you have to mix your song a certain way. but they didn't say how.

Now my question to all ME's out there is, what must a mix have, or not have, to get a maximum of level without squashing it or getting undesired pumping?

I'd appreciate any comments.

MASTERING: Using pro-techniques at home?

I took my album to Masterdisk in New York and the engineer wrote down information on this piece of paper.

What is this, what information is in the columns, and how can I use this technique in my mastering projects (is there a blank template like this out there somewhere)?

I'm sure it's obvious to most of you, but the right column are the album's track titles.