how is this mix? Black Metal
I didn't use a lot of eq or compression. I just want to get a feel for how this sounds. Any criticism is helpful. [SC][/SC]
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Metal with a More Organic "Live" Vibe
I've always liked my metal to sound like if you stuck a knife in it, it would bleed. Can't stand metal mixes that sound unnaturally produced and "perfect", organic can sound good too :)
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Axe Fx Ultra recording - Infernal Outcry (Progressive/Death Metal from Aus!)
Hey everyone! My band Infernal Outcry recently recorded a track using Axe Fx Ultras for the guitars and I was wondering what you think of the overall sound. Any criticism is welcome! And if you like what you hear please don't hesitate to chuck us a like on facebook and let us know!
Looking forward to your responses!
Metal Mix with 5150 Reamps, help me get to the next level
Trying to improve my mix presentation and separation. What should I do differently or improve upon?
looking for feedback on this mix - hardcore/metal
Hey everyone this is a band i've recorded recently, there's a few timing issues as this was not done to a click track. Just looking for advice on the tones/overall mix. Personally I think the toms do not fit the mix at all but I'm out of ideas at the moment on what to do with them. greatly appreciate any help/advice, thanks!
2012-09-10 EP Final Mix.mp3
Mixing Tips for Metal Tracks
http://soundcloud.c…"]Puzzles VA's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free[/]="http://soundcloud.c…"]Puzzles VA's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free[/]
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Blue Yeti - Problems with quality; vibrating "metallic" sound.
Hello everyone!
Electric Guitar Pre-Production: Getting a Sound for a Metal Mix
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. It seems there are other threads of this type here, so...
I am working with a modified Yamaha Pacifica (new compliment of passive pickups and heavy gauge strings) played through a VOX VT40+ practice amplifier:
Critique Heavy Metal Guitar Sound
This is a rough mix, and right now I am working on the guitar sound as well as just writing music. I previously recorded about five songs just using a direct method, and that sounded pretty good except I had to do A LOT of EQ work on the back end.
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