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have santa cruz, but want to go to echo mia/midi but.

the speakers i have at this moment only have 1/8 out (my friend tells me they are surround sound) and the ehco mia/midi has 2 sets of 1/4 right an dleft, making it hard to go from surround sound to the two 1/4, i am wondering, if i keep my old sound card for output(speakers) and use the new one for recording and such in 24 bit, is it worth it, considering i am going ot be eventually compressing

No Midi---a drummer who is recording his band Plz Help!

Alright here it goes, I am a 17 year old drummer who is in a band and I would like to learn more about recording instruments in general, but espically drums. I have recorded a demo in the past nd it sounded ok except for some volume issues. The help that i need is in the stereo recordind process. I do not know how to record in stereo.

Amateur recording and MIDI sampling

Hi everyone! I'm an amateur brazilian musician, who enjoys prog/rock/metal/instrumental style. I am a REAL beginner and I own a X V-amp, which I plug directly into the line-in of my PC Sound board (which is a lame one, BTW). I use GuitarPro 4 to make drum tracks, because everyone of the drum-composing programs that I tried sucked really hard to me.