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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

My monitors has a hum - resolved ground loop

I wanted to extend my monitors out to another room for a different perspective. So I ran 2 longer cables to the other room, but after hooking them up 1 of the monitors has a hum in it (the other monitor is just fine). I thought it might be something with the 1 cable so I switched the cables to the monitors, but the exact same monitor still hums.

Best studio monitoring headphones under £80

So, I'm starting my first year of college in a music performance course. I need a pair of decent headphones for under £80.

I have done research but I can't decide what pair will be best for me. I have looked at AKG's, krk's, samson and Sony.

I will be using these in the studio and for mixing tracks. I want a pair that has a nice low end but also keep crisp and clean high's.


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