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altec, ampex, other old mic preamps any good?

Hello, I'm attempting to purchase some good mic preamps. I just got a Pendulum audio dual pre and am looking for a couple of less expensive pres to complement the Pendulum and get a Beatleish sound. Lately I've seen some Altec and Ampex tube mic preamps on Ebay going for a few hundred. Has anyone used these or are there other vintage pres in this price range that are decent. Thanks, Don

Best Mic/Preamp Combo for Vocals

I'm currently using a RODE NTK with an Avalon 737sp. Can someone give me some ideas on mic/preamp combos that would be better than this. I record mostly Contemporary Country and Pop, some R&B. Male tenor range. I also do VOs.

I've heard a lot of raving about the new BLUE Kiwi and the Sound Projects T3 mics. Anyone used them and with what preamp?

Ok, Mic Preamp Wealth of Knowledge Needed

I currently have a PTIII system and a Mackie 8 Bus mixer.

What will I gain by using an outboard mic preamp.

My current vocal mic is a RODE NTK. This is a tube mic. I bring it into the Mackie and out though the 888 into PT where I add compressors etc.

I don't understand everything and desire to learn from the masterminds here.

API Mic Pre's

I am looking into purchasing some API 312's. I am looking at the vintage pre's with the original 2520 op amp and also the new 3124p with the new surface mount technology 2520 op amp. I understand there is a difference in sound between the two. Has anyone a/b'd these? If so what were your findings? How is the top end? Does one have more punch than the other?

Mic Preamps in A&H GL3?

Does anyone know if the Allen & Heath GL3 has the same microphone preamps as the GS3? I like the sound of these (the GS3) myself, they seem to be warmer than the Mackie which is what I've compared it with. I've found the GL3 at a price I can't resist and any opinions would be very welcome.
