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Mixing MIDI drums: clipping/distortion.

I'm currently working on a music project in Garageband [yes, not the best DAW, but I'm comfortable with it, and I can't afford high-end DAWs]; while I think I'm able to mix most audio fairly well, I'm still having trouble with drum mixing. I'm using Addictive Drums for the drum input; while I'm able to "record" the MIDI tracks the way I want, I'm having trouble mixing them.

Mixing Metal Drums

Hi everyone, Id like to hear some opinions on how to mix a heavy metal drum recording. Ive got this guy coming next week to my studio to record some heavy metal drums. I would like to make a very good Bass Drum sound, which is very important in this type of music.

I would be pleased if someone's got any special tip for this session.

Thanks in advance

Mixing Drums when tracked using 3 mic technique

I am looking for some advice when mixing drums using the 3 mic method regarding eq, grouping and general mixing techniques. I am challanged with getting the drums to have impact in the mix.

Eg. I want a little more air and I get a raging hi hat. I want to have a stronger kick and things get muddy or the bass looses impact.