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Submitted by anonymous on

Just wondering which encoders you guys use for making mp3:s. And what rate do you think sounds good enough? And what's an acceptable filesize for a 3-4 minute tune? I need to send mp3:s to labels all the time and when they sound good enough the file is too big and vice versa. Are there differences in encoders? Different formats?

MP3 formating

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hello All,

this is my first post, which means I graduate from "Lurker". OK. I want to convert a wav file that's 37.20 mbs to one that's less than 2.0 mbs so that I can attach it to email. I tried saving as mp3 in Cool Edit pro but only got it down to 3.7mbs. Can anybody tell me how to do this.




Why is MP3 conversion causing pitch change?

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Submitted by anonymous on

I recently converted some stuff done in Nuendo to MP3 "Pro" using Cool Edit Pro and it changed the pitch/tempo at various points in the song. Sounds like it slows down in the middle of the tune and then speeds up again before the end. Anybody got any ideas why this would happen and what I can do to fix it - this sucks? Here's a link to the song if you want to hear what I'm talking about.