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BBE Sonic Maximizer Opinions?

I was reading some reviews on the BBE Sonic Maximizer plugin , and it's sounds to be so beneficial that it would be essential to me, and can't be bad if michael jackson, etc. uses it.

though, all the information i have read about this plugin comes from this product website, soooo. . I would like to hear what everyone 'round hurr's opinion is on this plugin .

best acoustic guitar recordings-opinions

Gday guys and gals, just sitting here wondering what your fave acoustic guitar recorded songs/albums are, and why? I always wonder how some songs/albums are able to sound so good...What do you look for in these types of sounds? What is your ultimate or 'holy grail' sound for an acoustic guitar? how do you get them?
Cheers, just thought id bring up a sort of specific thread..

Upgrading Project Studio...need opinions. Thanx

Hey guys just wanted to get some opinions from some of you more seasoned recordists out there. I currently have been using a Brent Averill packaged Neve unit and a Drawmer 1960 (tube pre/comp) for my front end. (I use my Allen and Heath Board otherwise) Unfortunally I have to give those pieces back to their owner. I'm looking to either replace the Neve OR upgrade in other areas.


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