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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.


what is up. this is dynasty. i am using a Digidesign pro tools mbox 2 pro. i have a recording studio set up in my home. i am running a mixing board with 12 tracks. the pro tools has preamps and so does the mixing board. i would like to have more inputs instead of just swaping each instrument out and then plugging another in.

Mic preamp Wish List

So Im going to start gearing up in the next few years and with some good mic preamps. I havent researched these as much as I have mics probably cause they arent as sexy to look at. What I have used lately is the octopre with all the goodies on it which I love. Ive also used the ISA 428 which was good but seemed noisy if I remember right.

Preamp Tube Shootout

I recently invested in a few different tubes for my amp which only has room for a single preamp tube, the rest is solid state. I thought I'd share my findings with you. I could hear and feel a pretty nominal difference while playing through the amp, but to be honest I strain to hear the difference in the recordings, maybe your experience will be different.

PreAmp Hum

Ok so I bought 2 cheap little ART Media Tube Pre's for about 30 bucks a piece. I had read some suprising reviews about how they were actually pretty good expecially for the price. So a little curious I bought 2.

I actually use mine to warm up my vocals at my live show and the sound is actually very nice and warm.


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