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A preamplifier, also known as a preamp, is an electronic amplifier that converts a weak electrical signal into an output signal strong enough to be noise-tolerant and strong enough for further processing, or for sending to a power amplifier and a loudspeaker. Without this, the final signal would be noisy or distorted.

swiss army preamps

anus australian chapter here.
actually, DAW is going well. it's going to be a very credible sounding demo CD when i've finished.
anywue, i would benefit from a nice sounding multi function mic preamp i.e with compressor and maybe simple EQ, phantom power, guitar input as well as XLR. i know they exist but what's the wheat from the chaff?

Any info on Yamaha MLA7?

I came across one of these 8 channel mic preamp beasts while digging through a pile of neglected semi pro gear I used to use. I remember that it seemed to sound sort of dark and muffeled in comparison to Neve or API pres and even the pres on my old MCI 600 console. Anyone know anything about these things? I heard somthing recently about an upgrade someone does and I am curious about that too.

Preamps for drums

I own an Allen & Heath Mixwizard (16 channel). I use this exclusively for drums. I would like to upgrade one of the preamps for the kick drum. I would first like to know what will an upgrade do for the sound? And how much do I need to spend for the upgrade to be worthwhile? Please give makes and models with prices. Thanks.


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