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Pro Tools is a digital audio workstation developed and released by Avid Technology for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It is used for music creation and production, sound for picture and, more generally, sound recording, editing, and mastering processes.

help cube vst32 soft ware/ pro toolsle6.4 soft ware

hi every one out there in studio land iv upgraded some time ago to m bx pro t LE 6.4 from audigy 2 for better converters+ card it does sound good .but the edit side of pro t soft ware is a night mare i can see if u just want to chop some thing of the audio wave-thats cool .but as far asfine editing the cube wins hands down -with scizzors+a line marker that goes down the page that u can see to m

Pro Tools -audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

I've just upgraded to Tiger (Not sure if that's related) and I now get this error when I load up any of my Pro Tools sessions. I havn't changed anything else...still the same setup as I've had for a year now.

I'm getting this error: audio files are on volumes unsuitable for playback

this is my setup:

Pro Tools or cubasew/ fw-1884

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.

Tascam fw-1884 and Cubase or Pro Tools

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.