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Favorite piano mics?

Hi All, I recently had the good fortune to work out a deal for a friend's grand to live at my studio in exchange for free studio time. It's been a while since I had the opportunity to record any real piano tracks and I intend to beef up my mic arsenal. It's a vintage 6' Knabe in a large, live room with cathedral ceiling. Let the opinions rip!

Omni mics for piano

Which small diaphragm omni mics would you suggest for classical piano recording? My price range $700, but at the moment I would prefer going lower. I would not mind getting second hand ones. So far I was looking into:

Oktava MK012 from Sound-Room
Superlux CMH8K
Akg C451 with CK2, or CK22
Akg Blueline with CK92


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