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Wave to trigger midi via internal DAW software.

Hey Nate! A friend has a DAW and uses emagics, he has midi capability and sounds. His problem, he has a bass drum Wavestrack that he can't use, some distortion (clipping I expect), renders it useless to mix. He wants to trigger a midi bass drum track, useing the BD wave track as the trigger. What plugin , or set-up within his DAW would he use to accomplish this. Any ideas?

Soundscape software plugins vs. . logic

I was wondering,or the money, if the soundscape plugins were noticeably different from plugins for logic which if I understand will work well as a interface for SSHDR-1? I own two SSHDR-1 units and was looking into the mixspander dsp for my units but was interested in finding out the difference in the plugin quality between the soundscape and logic plugins.

Is There 24 bit 2tk software ?

I've just installed my SECOND pro-sound card, (the first being a ZA2 which does killer sample rate conversions, but was only 16 bit).
I just added a Lex Core 2 card since it claims to be 24 bit. The problem is this; the software included looks and smells 16 bit out to me (Cool Edit). Am I missing something?
So again, I there a 24 bit 2 track software ?

Newbie Mastering software Question

I posted this question at a couple of the other forums but I thought I would put it up here to see what the DAW world folks have to say.I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results.


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