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I notice a loss of Vocal volume & Bass is muttled after exporting multitrack to stereo using sonar2.

The sound of the tracks are perfect in the room, but when the tracks are exported to stereosome key vocal & bass quality is lost.

We are recording rehearsals(1 to 2 hours at a time)so the size of the project is fairly big. Does this impact the export function?

Sonar 3 Tutorial--Advice on Advanced Topics

About 9 months ago some of you on this board helped me make "Sonar--Swift & Deep", my screen video tutorial, a success by providing useful advice when I was creating it. Now I'm nearing the release of its successor, "Sonar 3--Know It All !", and I'm again asking for advice. This time I'm including a "What's New" and an "Advanced Topics" section.

Sonar 3

I have been using Sonar XL 2.0 for a year or so and for PC recording I love it. I was wondering if anyone has used or is familiar with the new version? Or any other opinions about this subject?

What's this button do? No!