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purchasing a home studio - MBox2 or firepod w/ Sonar 5?

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 12/28/2005 - 17:11

Hello, i have been looking into purchasing a home studio type deal, I'm not all to formilliar with everything

i went to two music stores and both had a completely different out look

one said to get the MBox2 because its the easiest to set up and is great for starting up

the other said to get a firepod w/ Sonar 5

Prospective Home Studio Setup w/ Diagram, Suggestions pls

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 11/27/2005 - 02:27

I am planning to convert my bedroom into a control room of sorts, primarily used for mixing progressive rock and rock tracks, occasionally acoustic music as well as metal-orientated music.

The floor is carpet, and the walls and floor are thick, solid concrete.