Sidechain for compressor
Dear all knowing recording gods . . .
okay - sorry about that. But now you're reading . . . and after that cat-washing post I feel a little more open to adding some spice to my posts!
I've heard little about this - and it may be more of a mastering question - but can someone fill me in on the theory of using a sidechain and subsequent EQ with a compressor? thanks!
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Side chain fun.
I have been playing around with different ideas in post, and have had a lot of fun with the sidechain features on my compsgates. Noise added to snare, bass through kick, etc.
I am interested to know of the different techniques you have found using this feature.
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The mysteries of the side chain
Excuse me for my ignorance but what is the side chain for on analog compressors? :confused:
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Sidechaining the vocals?
How the vocals can be side-chained?
Please tell about the procedure of doing that..
What settings?
What's the purpose?
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Sidechaining? explain it..
I read you all talk about side-chain effect..
Can someone explain me what is that and how it's done?
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compressor side-chain inputs
I have noticed that side-chain inputs are not common on the more traditional compressor designs. I understand why they would not exist on an exacting "reissue" model, like the "new" UA LA-2A & 1176 models - if the original model didn't have the feature, the reissue won't have it either.
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