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simple technical question about resistors? I have a cheapo set of computer speakers that use a subwoofer that is a bit too loud. There is no volume control for the sub, but I imagine I could add a couple of resistors to the line that feeds it to lower the level.

Will this work? If so, what value might you smart people suggest to lower the level, say, 3db? 5db?



Technical Writer / Tutorial Script Writer - Wanted

We are looking for experienced audio professionals to write lessons/scripts for our various training video projects. The ideal candidate works well on their own, takes directions well and can follow schedules and deadlines, has experience teaching or instructing and is looking to make some extra cash by writing tutorials.

New, need help with technical lingo

I'm eager to learn about recording and perhaps becoming a sort of acoustical engineer, I find this site to be so helpful! I was reading an article on EQing drums and I quote:

"SNARE: I usually cut 1k about 3dB, and roll off anything under 600hz using the high pass filter, in the mids only. THen I select the 80 hz or 100 hz shelf if its available."

Mixfest songs - technical details needed

Received my CDR with Blatchford files yesterday. Got it delivered at my porch by the postman on the motorcycle (I live in a remote village on an island). As he realized, while handing me the letter, that it came from the USA, he rushed to wash his hands and then speedily disappeared :D .

Just curious, I'll enjoy mixing it anyway.
