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The term "tracking" is a process when recording various instruments, voices etc used to create a song or production within its track. If a song is recorded one track at a time, we refer this to "tracking". Every time you record a new track, you hear all the other ones you've recorded as well. This tag discusses all sorts of topics on tracking music.

What's the best way to position a vocalist for tracking


What's the rule of thumb when it comes to recording vocals. Is there anything that's the standard? How many inches or feet for that matter does the mic need be set with it's pad activated or with the bass roll-off kicked in? I usually set my pop filter about 2 or 3 inches from the mic. Is this Ok? Then I'd have the vocalist stand about a foot from the filter. This has always been an issue.

Bar Scene Multi-Tracking

Okay I figured I would toss this out there and see if I can't get some wisdom from the local gurus. I have been asked to multi-track a few bands playing at a local bar. They are wanting it for demo CDs. I know this is not as ideal as taking them into a studio but what suggestion might some of you have. I have a few choices of equipment.

How many of you guys EQ at tracking?

I'm sure this has been asked before, but how many of you track WITH EQ? I know mic and preamp preamp choice in addition to placement should cover most of this, but how many of you EQ it up some as it goes to Tape? How much typically? I would also ask how many of you compress (By processing, not natural or tape saturation) to tape and on what and how much typically?