Importing Nuendo tracks into pro tools ?
Our band just got through recording and our engineer flipped on us. We recorded on Nuendo and are going to have to do overdubs in Pro Tools.
What are the problems if any and if there are problems is there a way to make the tracks work in pro tools. .?
DAvid B
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48 tracks live recording w/laptop?
I was wondering if any one can tell me if achieving a 48 track recording rig is possible with a laptop. I have seen many 24 track rigs but not a lot bigger. Iam open to any suggesttions I currently use DP 4.6 on a Mac 1.6 g4 powerbook with RME Fireface.
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3 free tracks we did mostly in a home studio
recording tracks question
Ok..I'm running Pro Tools on a Digi002 off a Apple G5 dual processor computer.
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Bouncing down tracks for another sequencer
I'm going to get some songs mixed by this guy, but he doesn't have Pro Tools and would like the songs rendered down to 44.1(I recorded at 48 ). What is the easiest way to do this? Selecting each track and bouncing it down to 44.1 seems like it would take a hell of a long time...
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More than 40 tracks on a 7200 SATA
I have to record 40 mono tracks at the same time on a G5, (SATA 7200trs/min drive). With MOTU and Dp.
I am wondering if the hard drive is fast enough.
Can someone tell me if the hard drive will be fast enough or if i have to do RAID, or has any other solution?
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HELP! Separate tracks on a Mac?
Hi all. I'm new to these forums, but I have a question I've been dying to get answered. So, I'm a Mac user. Right now, I'm using a brand new eMac (which is like an older iMac, not a tower), and I record at home on a regular business. I'm trying to figure out how I can record something like drums on seperate tracks (i.e.
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drums on seperate tracks please help!
Can someone please help me with this.. ok i have a Yamaha mixer, soundcard, cakewalk sonar, and other stuff but i want to know how would i make each drum record onto a different track simultaneously, please help? thank you
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Transferring tracks from Nuendo to Protools.. Forgot how.
I've not had to do this much at all, really only once. Did it just fine, but now I can't seem to get it right...
First, I need to make sure all puch ins are merged (can't remember if it does this automatically or not)
Here's the steps I performed:
1- Select all
2- Locate L
3- Range tool (highlights all tracks to blue on my screen)
4- Bounce
Unnecessary amount of tracks in pro tools
so with pro tools le on mac. how can i make it so after i save and close the session, that the only files saved are the ones i have on my edit display. for instance, if I'm recording guitar. and we do a bunch of bad takes, i dont want or need those bad takes in my sessions folder! what shall i do?
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