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Bare Min Specs Pc For recording 12 tracks at once

I want to build a rack mount PC to bring to gigs with me to record about 12 to 16 tracks at once, then I will take it home and do all the mixing at my how DAW, So the portable one just needs to be able to record and not use plugins or anything like that. What is a good system with the minimum specs to acompolish this, part #'s would be great,

2 Tracks for recording drums

Well I'm a little short on cash (read: short about $3000) so I only have an sb live (left and right channels on line in), a small 4 channel mixer, and a mic preamp-amp, a radio shack 3 mic passive mixer and 7 mics to use with this setup. I'm doing some cheap home recordings so I can remember this stuff when I can get a digi001 or C-port and an 8 bus mixer... you know the spiel.

Digidesign M Box - 24 tracks with USB connection to a la

So I just got one, still half in it's MMMMbox!

Looks cool, I bought it to use with the studios iBook 600.

We were using PT For Free - the 8 track free version of PT (downloadable off the Digidesign site) to edit vocals but it was a bore making a mono mix to save space and not having a full (24) track count.

How can I record tracks on a Roland VS-840EX & bypas

Does anybody here know how I could record guitar tracks on my older VS-840EX workstation and bypass the main inputs [& therefore record un-compressed audio to my recorder]? Is it really possible to record via/through the External IN function of the VS-840EX and use only the Track Cues as the main recording level controls [instead of the main input sensitivity controls]?

Recording jazz big band live in 8 tracks - HELP!

:w: Tomorrrow night I'll be recording my son's nationally recognized HS jazz big band live in concert. I have 4 large diaphram condensers, 2 electrets, and 2 instrument dynamics. All will be mixed into a digital 8 track. The brass section has 6 sax's (1st row), 5 trombones (2nd), and 5 trumpets (back row). There is an electric bass and guitar, acoustic piano, and drums.