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Easy question: Stereo tracks through console

This will certainly be an easy question. We are going to buy a Soundcraft Ghost 24 which we will be using with Sonar 4. We will also be buying a MOTU 24i/o. But having never worked on an analog desk before now, how do the ins and out work? If I have for example 8 drum tracks in mono, they would go through any of the inputs (1-8 for example). But what do we do with stereo tracks?

If TAXI is a waste of time...How do I get my tracks heard?

I have been getting variousopinions from all the major recording forums. I'm really hesitant about TAXI. I've heard many negatives (and positives) about the service. Anyway, If TAXI is the wrong way to get my music into "somebodys" hands (labels, TV/Movie/advertisement music execs, etc.) what is the right way? I know its a "one shot in 2 million" but I need to start somewhere.

what software to edit tracks from my hard disk recorder?

hi. i record onto a Yamaha aw4416 hard disk recorder and love it except for the limited editing capabilities. instead of switching over to a computer based system and losing the tactile interface and ease of use, i was thinking about transfering tracks (as wav files) to my laptop for editing. i won't need to track, use plugins or anything beyond fixing a timing mistake here and there.

midi drums silenced when audio tracks are mixed down

hey all,

my first time posting a big hello to forums you've got here!

i've just started putting some of my own ideas into recordings lately and have had one problem i've run across so far (i'm sure i'll run into many more in the future...but these forums are definitely helping to prevent that)

What gear should I use to get tracks into my computer?

I know, newbie question but heres my deal. I'm a drummer looking into offering "drum overdub" type of services. Occasionally do recording of bands, etc on site only. Currently have Soundcraft Spirit Studio 16ch board and 2 ADAT LX-20s with some other outboard gear. I bought the ADATs off EBay with less than 500 hours each and one is giving me errors and taking my tape, etc.